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Whether you’ve moved before, or have only heard about the process from others, you probably won’t be surprised to hear that moving can be a messy business. In the whirlwind of packing up and moving homes, it’s easy to leave a mess behind. And if you’re moving into a house or apartment that was recently vacated by others, you can expect to be met with a mess there, too. Of course, while no one likes grime on a good day, during the times of the continuing Covid-19 pandemic, dirt and bacteria are two things you definitely want to avoid.
There’s never been a more important time than now to try and maintain the highest level of cleanliness during every step of your move. Whether it’s the cleanliness of the home you’ll be moving from, the cleanliness of your hired movers and the equipment they’ll be using, or the cleanliness of the home you’ll be moving into, it is essential to try and keep every phase of your move as clean and as safe as possible.
Don’t forget about your old home. Most people are so focused on the excitement of a new home and the necessary cleaning involved that they forget about cleaning their old home. It’s a job that can easily and understandably slip your mind, but it’s something that should be attended to before settling into your new home.
If you were previously renting, clarify your landlord’s expectations. Does he expect you to leave the apartment in move-in condition or will he assume responsibility for the cleaning costs? Oftentimes, a landlord will assume the responsibility but will withhold some (or all) of the money from your security deposit to cover the “turn cost,” or the cost of cleaning in between tenants.
If that’s the case, it might be more cost effective for you to ask your landlord for the go-ahead to take care of the cleaning yourself. That doesn’t mean, however, that you should stay and do the cleaning. Cleaning while packing up your old home is not something you want to be busy with, and once you’ve left, you’ll be too busy unpacking and cleaning your new home to head back to your old one for a clean-up job. If it makes sense financially, save yourself the time and the headache and hire a cleaning crew to come and clean right after you leave.
Whether you choose to let your landlord retain a certain amount of the security deposit to take care of the cleaning, or you choose to hire someone on your own dime, whatever you do, don’t let it become your personal headache! There will be plenty of other cleaning to take care of upon arriving in your new home.
If you owned the home you’re selling, make sure you understand the expectations set forth in the purchase contract. Standard purchase contracts often stipulate that a home should be delivered to the new owners in “broom clean” condition. That means that the walls and ceilings should be left bare and the floor swept. However, the language in some contracts is vaguer and more ambiguous. Have your lawyer clearly explain to you the buyer’s expectations and make sure you understand what needs to be done.
However, don’t do it yourself. In this situation as well, the easiest and simplest thing to do is hire a cleaning crew to clean up after you. Since most new homeowners will likely clean the home to their own standards regardless of what the seller does, hiring a cleaning crew to provide a basic cleaning service is the easiest way to take care of cleaning your old home.
In today’s times, cleanliness is also important on moving day itself. Whereas previously, keeping things clean on the day of the move may not have been a very big concern for most people, the current Covid-19 pandemic brings with it some unique cleanliness and safety considerations for moving day.
Get a moving quote over the phone. These days, it’s best to try and limit unnecessary social interaction in an effort to stay as safe as possible. Simply put, coming into contact with fewer people means coming into contact with fewer germs and bacteria. At All Jersey Moving & Storage, we are doing our best to help you stay safe. That’s why we have recently added an over-the-phone estimate service; we can actually give you a precise estimate on all residential moves without stepping foot into your home. We also offer over-the-phone estimates for most commercial moves, as well.
Purchase new moving boxes. In the weeks leading up to a move, many people start saving their grocery boxes to re-purpose as moving boxes. Others even collect used boxes from friends and family. With all the expenses involved in a move, many individuals feel the need to save money wherever they can. And while it’s definitely commendable to try and stay money-savvy during a move, saving money on moving supplies is not the best idea during these times. Purchasing new boxes that have been handled less than grocery boxes is one way to minimize unnecessary exposure to the virus and is, in the scheme of your move, not a very large expense. There are other, safer ways to save money during your move. Put your health first and purchase new packing supplies from any home improvement or self-storage facility. Or, to save yourself the trip, contact All Jersey Moving & Storage. We offer a full range of packing services and come prepared with all the necessary packing equipment.
Try to schedule “move-in” day smartly. When possible, try and ensure that your move-in date is at least one week after the previous owners have moved out. Although the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) can survive on surfaces, current information from the CDC indicates that it has not been shown to survive longer than one week. Moving in at least one week after the previous owners have left will allow you to feel more confident that you have lowered your chances of picking up any virus from what may have once been a contaminated surface.
Make sure the moving equipment is clean and sanitary. This is especially important during these cold winter months, since the lower temperatures actually make it easier for the coronavirus to live on surfaces. Before hiring movers, make sure to inquire about the measures they have in place to keep everything clean and sanitary. On moving day, the last thing you want to worry about is the cleanliness standards of your movers and their equipment. To ensure your peace of mind, choose All Jersey Moving & Storage. With All Jersey Moving & Storage, safety is never a question. Our movers are constantly cleaning and disinfecting our trucks and equipment so that your belongings are handled and transported in a safe, sanitary environment.
Movers should wear masks and gloves. It’s also important that both you and your movers wear protective gear when in close contact with each other on moving day. At All Jersey Moving & Storage, our movers show up to every job equipped with face masks and gloves. During these times, the safety of our employees and our customers is our top priority and we are doing our best to ensure that we get you from point A to point B safely.
Have hand-sanitizer accessible and within reach on moving day. One can never be too prepared. Even with everyone wearing masks and gloves, having hand-sanitizer within reach can come in handy. (For the kids that don’t want to wear gloves, in between the changing and disposing of gloves, etc.) For easiest access and the least handling, make sure you buy pump-style dispensers.
Staying safe and clean while moving from your old home requires planning and preparation. Making sure that your old home is left in clean condition and also ensuring that your move is handled in the cleanest, safest way possible is a big job. At All Jersey Moving & Storage, we make that job a little easier. Although we can’t mop or sweep for you, we can give you the confidence that your move will be handled with care and with consideration for cleanliness and safety. We’ll start by helping you get out of your old home safely and neatly. We can pitch in with the packing or even do it all! All Jersey Moving & Storage offers a full range of packing services. We come prepared with everything we’ll need and we make sure everything is packed neatly and orderly. And of course, whenever we’re on site, we do the job safely, with strict adherence to current CDC guidelines.
On moving day itself, you can be confident that your belongings are being transported with the highest regard for cleanliness and safety. Our movers are always equipped with masks and gloves, and are constantly disinfecting trucks and moving equipment. With All Jersey Moving & Storage, you can rest assured that all of your belongings are being handled in a clean and sanitary environment.
Stay Tuned for Tips for a Clean Move from Start to Finish Part II: Moving In!
Yes, moving out is a big job. And, it’s only the halfway mark in the moving process! The good news, however, is that many would agree that packing up and moving out is the hardest part. Moving into your new home is the exciting part! That’s not to say that the moving-in process doesn’t come with its own share of work. Moving in involves, first and foremost, the new home deep clean. Before the fun of unpacking and settling in, you want to make sure your new space is clean and safe.
Move-in Cleaning Checklist
Review this list before the big day and keep it handy for reference. Make sure you have everything you need before you start the cleaning process. You don’t want to be knee-deep in cleaning, only to have to run out for supplies. It’s a good idea to round up all your cleaning supplies while still in your old place. When packing, box them up separately and label the box clearly. You’re going to want to keep that box separate from the others because it’s the first box you’ll need access to upon arrival in your new home. You may even want to consider taking it with you in your car so that you know exactly where to find it. That way, you can begin cleaning immediately upon arrival.
For cleaning your new home, make sure you have:
For everything you need to know about the new house deep clean, including general cleaning tips and room-by-room cleaning advice, look out for Tips for a Clean Move, From Start to Finish Part II: Moving In. Stay tuned for tips, tricks and lots of practical advice to help you turn your new house into a safe, clean home of your own.