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A white truck from All Jersey Moving and Storage is standing in the parking
White moving trucks waiting in front of the client's residence

Going Green

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The team at All Jersey Moving and Storage cares about the community that we're situated in. We owe our success to the clients who have turned to us over the years to meet their moving and storage needs. Driven by our deep respect for our community and the environment, we have taken steps to go green. In recognizing the role that moving and storage companies can play in affecting social and environmental change, we hope to provide a healthy environment for our employees and minimize unnecessary waste.

At the All Jersey Moving and Storage administrative office, our efforts to "Go Green" include:

  • Recycling containers
  • Recycling ink and toner cartridges
  • Double-sided printing
  • Purchasing recycled paper
  • Using electronic signatures to reduce paper usage

In the All Jersey Moving and Storage warehouse and operations department, our green efforts include:

  • Installing motion sensors in our warehouse
  • Using a large cardboard recycling dumpster
  • Purchasing a “green box,” a large, rolling 300 lb box with moveable slots used to wrap items (pictures and mirrors) in reusable moving blankets and safely transport them to their destination (rather than using an abundance of brown paper and cardboard to pack delicate and valuable items)
  • Ceasing the use of the non-biodegradable Styrofoam peanuts which are widely used by moving and storage companies

All Jersey Moving and Storage understands that going green is a process, and we will continue striving to take the steps necessary to ensure we are doing our part to protect the environment. For instance, we are committed to start phasing in Hybrid vehicles on future purchases.

For a free quote, contact us today.