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Are you getting ready to move to a new home or condo? If you're moving with children, you need to be prepared. Little hands and little feet can lead to big risks and big headaches on moving day. But don't fret.
The best New Jersey movers at All Jersey Moving & Storage are here to share some mega-helpful moving tips. Our goal? To help you plan and execute your move safely -- and keep your kids from frowning all day.
It doesn't make a difference if you're moving to another state or around the corner, kids normally aren't happy that they have to move. When you move, keep in mind that you're changing your child's physical and social environment. And change can be tough, for little and big kids alike.
The good news is that there are things that you can do to make the transition easier for your children -- and you in the process!
Step 1. Have a Family Meeting
As you know, kids can be sensitive. Pick a day for a family meeting to casually speak to your kids and let them know you'll be moving to a new home. Be sure to have an upbeat, positive attitude. If you're excited about the move, your kids are more likely to be.
Tell your children why you're moving. Will you be closer to family? Did mom or dad get a new job or promotion? Whatever the case may be, be sure to express your excitement about moving day. At the same time, encourage your children to ask questions and share their feelings about the move.
Step 2. Prepare Your Kids for the Big Move
This is a big change for your kids, so give them time to adjust to the idea of moving to another state or a new neighborhood. Let your kids ask questions and talk about the move as much as they want or need to, as it can help them process the big change. Ideally, you should take your children to visit your new home. If that isn't an option, take pictures! Show them around, especially where they'll be sleeping.
If you're kids are young, start familiarizing them with the "lay of the land" in advance. If they're older, tell them about exciting things in your new neighborhood that they'll be able to do - biking paths, movie theatres, etc. One way to help older kids adjust is to make them part of the decision-making process. Consider letting them choose the paint colour for their new room, so that they can make it a space they want to call their own.
Step 3. Make Your Kids Part of the Packing Process
Before you can bring in a professional moving company to help execute your move, you need to pack, pack, pack! Make sure to leave yourself lots of time to get rid of, sell or donate things you no longer want as well as organize and pack your family's furniture and belongings.
Kids grow and their interests are constantly changing and evolving. That means that they've probably accumulated a lot of "stuff' --- clothing, toys, etc. --- that they don't want to bring along. Leaving behind the clutter and starting fresh is one of the greatest things about moving. If you have younger kids, try your best to make them part of the sorting and packing processes. While encouraging them to choose to donate clothing that doesn't fit or toys they no longer use, make sure that they know they can keep things that hold important memories.
Step 4: Prepare for Moving Day
After you've hired a moving company like All Jersey Moving & Storage that you can trust, you should start preparing for moving day. As you pack, try to plan in advance. Be sure to leave out enough outfits for your children to wear and toys to play with after their rooms have been packed up. You'll also have to think about what you'll eat leading up to the move. You don't want your kids to go hungry, but you shouldn't buy a lot of fresh food either as it will likely go to waste. Moving week is a great time to enjoy the hospitality of good friends and local restaurants.
To execute your move safely and efficiently, it's preferable to have a select few people around on moving day to direct the movers. If you can arrange for family or friends to watch your kids or take them on a special day-trip, that will give you peace of mind that they'll be safe and occupied.
Keeping these moving tips in mind will help make moving day more pleasurable for you and your kids. Don't forget that the best decision you can make is to invest in New Jersey's preferred moving and storage company to do the job right. Visit All Jersey Moving & Storage for more information about: